Unicorns – without a doubt, are some of the prettiest mythical creatures mankind has ever come up with! Then again, we don’t really need to tell you that, do we? You know exactly how pretty a unicorn is, based on how many times your kid has squealed at unicorn toys and plushies while you’re out shopping for party game giveaways at their birthday! But oh no sirree, you’d be mistaken if you thought unicorns are just beautiful to look at – they are majestic, noble creatures that command respect!
These Mythical Horses have some Serious History!
As much as some people like to think that unicorns are a fad, the legends of these famous creatures have been around for thousands of years. Why, even one of the oldest civilizations in Mesopotamia had pictures that showed these one-horned steeds frolicking about! Then came the Indians, the Greek, the Romans, the Chinese – you guessed it, they all revered this beast. Nobody can hate on unicorns!
We cut to the present day – shows like My Little Pony have made sure that the popularity of unicorns is at an all-time high and with good reason. These shows feature just the cutest and cuddliest creatures, and kids just can’t help falling in love with them! Unicorns are also depicted with multicoloured manes and unique features on their bodies (some kids even draw the entire animal with nothing but glitter paint!), and it goes without saying that children are attracted to colourful stuff like moths to light.
Everything is about Unicorns – Not just Toys!
With your girl so attached to these horned horses, it’s only fair that they get to party and have fun with them in the real world too. Unicorn toys in Australia, especially, limit themselves to plushies or figurines – your child needs other ways to interact with these fabulous animals. And that is why getting a Unicorn Showbag would be the perfect gift for your little girl! And hey, if you’re planning a party for your kid’s special occasion, it serves as a fantastic party game giveaway!
Now, this isn’t just a regular goodie bag we’re talking about – each item in this Showbag is selected specifically to provide the best unicorn experience for your tot. The unicorn plushie is just the start of things: the bag contains unicorn-themed paraphernalia, including body glitter, a coin purse, hair extensions and trinket boxes. But wait, we’re not done because the bag also has lipstick, a stationery set, a keychain and a full-fledged jewellery set! To top it all off, your kid also gets a beautiful unicorn duffle bag to carry her stuff around proudly!
Even Showbags Come in All Sizes!
Whoa, maybe that’s a little overwhelming for your kid, you say? Maybe your girl needs a bit of a lighter introduction into the world of unicorns? No worries, we’ve got you covered there, too, with the Unicorn Mini Bag!
Even the ‘mini’ bag comes with a bunch of stuff that your child is sure to love. Be it headbands, metallic tattoos, decals or glitter pots. We have them all packed inside a shiny, beautiful unicorn mini tote bag. The bag also contains erasers, a pencil case, hair extensions and nail art! All of this should be perfect for helping your kid embrace the wondrous world of unicorns.
You can find these Showbags along with loads of other products tailored for kids right here.