The Samford Show is an annual event that takes place at the Samford Showgrounds, Showgrounds Drive, 4520 Samford, Queensland. The Samford show society delivery an exciting event each year which celebrates the local agriculture and community. They host competitions and exhibitions, there is plenty to do and see for the whole family including food, live entertainment, rides and showbags.
The Samford Show was scheduled to take place from the 11th and 12th of July 2020. In view of current restrictions on gatherings and the concern for the health of the local community, the Committee of the Samford Show Society has decided that the annual Samford Show scheduled for July cannot go ahead. The situation will be monitored closely, however, at this stage the show will be postponed.
You don’t have to miss out though! This year we are bringing the fun of the show online, you can now purchase your show bags online and have them delivered right to your door.