The Mossman Show is important to the community as it brings everyone from all corners of the district together. The show takes place annually at the Mossman Showgrounds Jack St, 4873 Mossman, Queensland.
The event is entertaining for young and old, whether it is the community pavilion showcasing all the local talent, Sugar Cane and Cattle industries, or the fun of sideshow alley, equestrian events and woodchops, there is plenty of showbags to buy as well.
The Mossman Show was scheduled to take place from the 19th and 20th of July 2020. Unfortunately due to the current COVID-19 situation the difficult decision was made to cancel the 2020 show.
You don’t have to miss out though! This year we are bringing the fun of the show online, you can now purchase your show bags online and have them delivered right to your door.