Ganmain Show Society Annual Show is on the 3rd Saturday in August at the Ganmain Showground, Showground Rd, Ganmain, New South Wales
Fun for all the family including Agricultural displays, Side Show Alley, Fireworks, Wood Chopping, Bushman’s Relay, Championship Dog Show, Wagga Vintage Motor Club, Light Horses, Show Jumping, Sheep, Produce, Riverina Yard Dog Championship, Home Brewing Competition, Junior Judging: Grains & Wool, Quick Shear Competition, Pavilion displays & more… Don’t forget the showbags!
The show is working towards the 22nd of August 2020, but understand it may not go ahead due to Covid-19 restrictions. This will be announced closer to the show date. You can, however, buy your showbags now online and have them delivered to your door.